Services and solutions
Din 1952 ACI CLUJ SA execută întreaga gamă de construcții civile și industriale, iar producția de confecții metalice ne completează activitatea.
Activitatea privind productia de structuri metalice se desfasoara in doua corpuri de cladire:
- Fabrica de Structuri Metalice, finalizata in anul 2014, cu o suprafata de 3300 mp.
- Atelier pentru fasonare armaturi cu o suprafata de 700 mp.
Prin dotarile de care dispunem, in cele doua zone de lucru, putem asigura o capacitate de productie de peste 450 de tone de structuri metalice pe luna, in 3 schimburi de lucru.
Dispunem de platforme exterioare de depozitare adiacente zonelor de productie cu o suprafata de cca 12000 mp.

We offer design services in collaboration with renowned companies specialized in the field, through engineers specializing in the design of civil, industrial and agricultural constructions, halls, metal structures, installations.

Executam lucrari pentru constructii civile, industriale, hidrotehnice si instalatii pentru constructii.
In the Metal Structures Factory, we produce:
- complex metal structures assembled by welding
- composite steel profile elements for bridges and roadways;
- steel structures for the construction of industrial halls, warehouses, office buildings, agricultural buildings, etc
- metal structures for street advertising, metal platforms and walkways;
The finished products resulting from machining in the Metal Structures Factory comply with anti-corrosion protection standards and fire protection standards

ACI CLUJ S.A. ensures, through its own adequate logistics, the transport of elements with normal dimensions and oversize. The transport is mostly provided by our means of transport or on request, with transport companies specialized in the transport of normal and oversized items.

In addition to industrial production, we ensure the assembly of metal constructions with specialized personnel.

Technical assistance
Given the resources at our disposal, we respond promptly to all requests from beneficiaries for technical assistance in both execution and operation

Project management
We have qualified personnel, able to ensure the processing and management of a project by planning, organizing, team building / training, communication, control and decision making for the safe and quality completion of the objectives on time